Things are getting better. Little by little, I keep peeking a little further out of my shell to see what's around me. I owe this in particular to my friend A. She was in a musical a few months ago at the local Playhouse. They needed someone to work the curtain, pull the drops and move scenery. Somehow, a few months later I'm about to make my stage debut as Moose in 'Crazy for You'! For the life of me I never thought I would be any good at singing and dancing. Before my theatre adventure I was depressed, sleeping too much, smoking way too much herb and just being a bum in general. Also, I got a really nice bicycle for my 30th birthday. I blew the engine on my pickup truck about a year and a half ago, so I'm thrilled that I don't have to necessarily take the bus everywhere I go. Granted, my current lifestyle is not without it's limitations. I can only get what I can carry in one shot shopping. Also, people drive like fucking maniacs in FL and I've very narrowly avoided getting run over a few times. Aside from that, my life is full of blessings, from my little tuxedo cat to my fiancee who I've known since high school. La vie est belle. I knew one day I'd be able to not only say it but mean it as well :suave: