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  1. #1

    What do you tell your wife when you go out for a meetup?

    I am wondering what other married men tell their wives? Especially married men that the wife does not know. How do you get away? How do you cover up if you spend any money while out?

    Very curious.

  2. #2

    Re: What do you tell your wife when you go out for a meetup?

    i told my wife about my bisexuality after 40 years of marriage . i wish i told her earlier. she was surprised , because she knows i really love women , but she took it well. so , she knows when i go out to suck cock because i tell her. when i leave the house and she asks where i'm going , i tell her to the video store, or the gay bathhouse , or the adult theater. actually it gives me a thrill that she knows i'm going to suck cock or maybe let a man fuck my ass. in the old days i would just lie , or wait til she went somewhere herself. you will have to be creative. but if you can tell her that you suck cock , it will be much better. you will have to judge for yourself , will she leave you , or be ok with it.

  3. #3

    Re: What do you tell your wife when you go out for a meetup?

    I don’t go out often but usually tell her going out for drinks with friends or co-workers. I usually suck guys on way to work, stop by their place and go to work with a full belly.

  4. #4

    Re: What do you tell your wife when you go out for a meetup?

    Nothing these days. I used to tell her I was going to go hang out with whoever it was, she’d laugh and say have fun, I’m going to go out with my girlfriend. Cool. We both got some same sex fun. They lived together for a stretch after we parted ways. The ex moved to France and is engaged to a very lovely woman. We’re happy, and happy for each other.
    Nowadays, my husband says, we should have Tony and Marcus over for dinner and drinks. We usually end up in the hot tub, and in Darryl and I’s bed. He loves to watch.




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