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  1. #1

    Preparation for anal sex. What to do?

    Getting ready for my first time.....

  2. #2

    Re: Preparation for anal sex. What to do?

    Buy a cheap Fleet enema. Try to have a bowel movement. Dump out the crap that comes in ithe bottle and use luke warm water only and do a few rinses (one bottle then expell) until the water being expelled is clean. Most of the time you should be good to go. Of course when doing butt play accidents can happen. Be emotionally and mentally ready for that. Good luck!

  3. #3

    Re: Preparation for anal sex. What to do?

    Eat light meals 24 hrs before if it's planned also don't push water past your lower colon. To much water can cause messy accidents later when you least expect it. Usually three shots from a fleet enema bottle is enough and definitely don't use the liquid that comes in it. Pour that stuff out.

  4. #4

    Re: Preparation for anal sex. What to do?

    Clean up just like the others before me said. It's quick and easy. Right beforehand, get as much lube inside you as you can, and plenty on him as well. Then relax and enjoy the journey!




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