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  1. #1

    Techniques used to let a guy know you suck cock.

    I have stood at the urinal, grabbed my crotch in the rest area, tapped my foot, made eye contact and run my finger around a GH. The fastest one I used was a manila folder on which I wrote, "I SUCK." I used to stop at this little country park that had a grove trees forming a wood-like cruising spot and also had a new unisex bathroom. One day I was parked by the bathroom, waiting for someone to indicate he wanted a blow job. After about an hour of no traffic, I grabbed a folder out of my book bag and used a big black marker to write, "I SUCK." As luck would have it, a guy, who looked middle aged and nicely dressed like he had a white collar job, pulled next to me in a pickup truck. He looked over at me and I raised my sign....knowing full well, he could ignore me, arrest me, or get out and go into the bathroom. He got out and went into the bathroom. I followed a couple of minutes later and gave he a wonderful BJ. He reciprocated with giving me a mouthful of cum.

    I worked on one side of a city that allowed me to use the thruway in NY as a route home after work. There was a rest area along the way that many found happiness. There was woods on the other side of the area, and someone cut a hole in the fence that one could squeeze through. Sucked many a cock in the woods. Sometimes with a gathering and multiple cocks and watchers. Sometimes a guy would go and use the Port-a-Potty and either grab his crotch going(which meant he wanted to use the GH in the back of the potty) or grab his crotch walking back to his car which meant come to his car. I sucked many through the GH. Truckers were famous at this area. I sucked one off while standing on the running board of his truck. He had the door open on the passenger side, was sitting naked on the passenger seat and said to me,"C'mon Darlin', come up and I'll feed you." I did and he did!

    How about it. Has anyone got any good techniques they've used? How about telling us what NOT to use! I used to look for thin or not too fat guys. Then I noticed that in some porn videos, the fat guys had nice cocks too. Has anyone just come out and asked a fat guy if he wanted a BJ? Any other direct hits?

  2. #2

    Re: Techniques used to let a guy know you suck cock.

    I’ll suck any cock but prefer bigger guys or older, grandpa type guys. Bigger guys always have a nice sweet load and grandpas are usually more straight forward telling me what they want. As far as signs- I really haven’t found anything that works well all the time— hence why I meet most of my guys online.




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