Results 1 to 15 of 15
  1. #1

    Best Positions for Dongs?

    Ok, guys and gals that like to stick dildoes and dongs up your rectum, how about this question: What position do you use for the least tiring and most enjoyable use of a dong or dildo for anal penetration. I'm referring to when you're playing alone.

    You mostly see guys sitting on dongs while they're on the floor. I do the same myself but find it rather awkward and tiring on the leg muscles. Sometimes I'd lay on my back on the floor and try and insert it by hand, but that's difficult because the dong almost out of arm's reach down there.

    I just found a nice position that seems to work ok, at least so far: I got on my hands and knees, placed the base of the dong on the side of the bathtub and backed into the tip of it, slowly inserting it by pushing myself on to it. Why didn't I think of this before? Not as much strain on the legs this way.

    About the only problem is the dong I just bought. It's softer than I could tell through the blister packaging and bends a bit too easily. That's why I needed the different position. This new position helps, but not quite enough.

    There must be some other unique positions being used by some of you out there.

  2. #2

    Re: Best Positions for Dongs?

    I am so not a guy but I saw a vid that might help you.
    Standing hand in hand with my love

    Cara ch' 'm blaidd

  3. #3

    Re: Best Positions for Dongs?

    Quote Originally Posted by DuckiesDarling View Post
    I am so not a guy but I saw a vid that might help you.
    my, my, what a guy can do with time on his hands!!! ...and what the hell is it with the coke bottle?! to each, their own, i guess!
    get in! sit down! hold on! and shut up!

  4. #4

    Re: Best Positions for Dongs?

    Whew! Thanks for the need for a cold shower, Ducks! lol
    I'm tryin' my best to leave a loving foot print on the hearts of the folks who's lives I touch..longly, or briefly..:}

    Women and cats will do as they please, so men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea.
    Robert A. Heinlein

  5. #5

    Re: Best Positions for Dongs?

    Quite welcome, Cat....although as hot as it's been around here any excuse for a cold shower is welcome
    Standing hand in hand with my love

    Cara ch' 'm blaidd

  6. #6

    Re: Best Positions for Dongs?

    Over the years I’ve built-up a lot of experience ‘digging my own hole’. I tried every conceivable position and stroke, and then I invented a technique that I’ve never seen anyone do anywhere. IMHO, it is THE BEST WAY TO POLE YOUR OWN HOLE! I understand that different folks may prefer different strokes, but I urge everyone reading this to try my technique. See if you can’t ‘do you’ better than you’ve ever done yourself before. This technique is my gift to every horny DIYer reading this. I hope it works for you as well as it works for me. For reasons that will become clear, I’ll call this technique the ‘dick stick’.

    To make this work, all you’re going to need is a pole or stick and some wire, plus a dildo/dong with a flared base, and lots of lube, of course. My choice equipment includes the following:

    • One round wooden pole with a smooth finish that is about an inch and a half in diameter and nearly three feet long. You might have an easier time with a square-shaped pole or stick (for reasons that will become obvious if you ever try a round pole). A thicker pole or stick is better than a thinner one, although thin ones could still work.
    • As for wiring; I have found that it is best to have at least one length of wire that is about twelve inches long, made of large gauge, single-strand copper wire, with a plastic coating, so that it will hold its shape when you bend it. Let’s call this the ‘collar wire’. To prep it, wrap the very middle of this ‘collar wire’ once around the base of your dildo/dong, and twist the ends just once so that the wire is wrapped tightly around the base and the loose ends of the wire are left long and straight. You should be able to twist-on and twist-off this ‘collar wire’ with a simple flick of your wrist.
    • You will also need four other lengths of wire – the ‘fastener wires’ – each about ten inches long. These can be any kind of wire that is durable and which you can twist-up and have them hold firm. Electric cords are not recommended because you can’t really twist them the way you’ll need to. I use lengths of multi-strand telephone wire, because I had some laying around, but given the choice, I would use the same kind of single-strand heavy gauge copper wire as my ‘collar wire’ described above. Bend each one of these ten inch lengths in half, so that you’ve got four hairpin-shaped fasteners.

    The trick is to affix your dildo/dong to the end of the pole, so that the pole and dildo/dong form a right angle. Effectively, you are making a dildo/dong with a three foot long handle – a ‘dick stick’! Picture it: Holding the pole vertical, I take my dildo/dong and hold it against the bottom-end of the pole, so that it’s cock-shape is the way it would be if a man were standing there with an erection. I then use the wires to attach the dildo/dong to the pole, and voila, a ‘dick stick’!


    1. Place the collar wire around the base of your dildo/dong, but don’t twist it closed just yet. Before you do, thread the four hairpin-shaped fastener wires between the collar and the dildo/dong, so that they are all hanging off the collar wire, and two are on either side (left and right) of the dildo/dong’s base. Now twist the collar wire tightly closed. At this point, you should have your dildo/dong with eight ends of wire hanging off the base, plus whatever twisted end of collar wire you are left with.

    2. Next, take your chosen pole or stick and lay it in front of you, pointing away from you. Now place your dildo/dong at the end closest to you, and while holding it in place with one hand, use your other hand to twist the fastener wires tightly together, so as to twist together opposing ends of the wire fasteners in such a manner so as to tightly attach the dildo/dong to your pole/stick.

    3. Twist together any and every remaining bit of wire to keep them out of the way of the fun. At this point, the assembly of your ‘dick stick’ is complete.

    4. I have a shelf next to my bed that I’ve arranged in such a way that it allows me to put my dick stick on it, with the dildo/dong hanging off the end of the shelf. On the lower level of the shelf, I place a large jar of hot water so that the dildo/dong hangs down into it to get warmed-up for my eager ass. I make sure that the jar is just full enough so that when my dildo/dong is dipped into it, the water does not overflow.

    5. Next, I get on my bed, lying on my back, and I lift my legs high up into the air and pull a pillow up under my lower back. This way, my pillow is tilting my lower half up, and my legs can fold back onto my torso under their own weight. This also happens to be my favourite position when bottoming. Picture it: If I had a man with me, it would be the very same position as if he were on top of me and my ankles were up over his shoulders, and we were fucking face to face.

    6. HERE COMES THE FUN PART: I lube-up my ass and then I reach for my dick stick and lube up the warmed dildo/dong, and before another heartbeat pulses the blood through my veins, I sink that dildo/dong deep into the very bottom of my hot horny hole! OH YEAH!

    7. Because the pole I’ve attached to my dildo/dong is almost three feet long, it reaches up to my face. Since I’m lying on my back with my legs in the air, I can grab around my legs and hold onto the pole at the same time. It might look awkward, but it’s actually quite comfortable, and I’ve spent a lot of happy time in this very same position.

    8. I use both of my hands to hold this pole in such a manner so that by see-sawing it, the dildo/dong is piston-pumped in and out of my well-lubed ass. You will have to experiment with how you set all this up, to find what works best for you. The way I work it, using the pole as a lever, I can move my hands relatively little, and get all the movement I want at the fun end. One thing is for sure; I can fuck my own ass with faster stokes than any real-life man ever could!


    1. If you use as much lube as I do, you’ll want to put down a towel or some plastic under your ass, because you’re going to experience some Santorum. I strongly recommend a cleansing enema before the festivities begin.

    2. This technique may slightly damage the base of your dildo/dong, so it may not stick with suction against smooth surfaces any more. If this is a concern to you, you may want to take steps to protect the smooth suction-making surfaces of the bottom of your dildo/dong. (I don’t care about this myself, because this technique is my preferred method now.)

    If you’ve tried my ‘dick stick’ technique, please write back in this thread, and let me know how it went for you.


  7. #7

    Re: Best Positions for Dongs?

    lol here is a few ideas

    get a blow up doll, a pillow, life sized teddy bear, and a strap on..... it opens up a range options.....

    you can ride it, lay under it and use a strap around it to pull it into you.... you can back up to it

    you can rig up a exercise machine with a dildo and fuck yourself stupid as you do your daily exercise.....

    one trick a friend used, was a dildo in his ass while doing pull ups.... his logic was it made you work harder cos you would hate to develop arm fatique and impale yourself.....

    the possibilities are only limited by your own mind
    The only thing more painful than a broken heart, is catching yourself in your zip and having very cold hands

  8. #8

    Re: Best Positions for Dongs?

    i prefer sitting or on my back it works good but if you have one with a sucktion cup on it doggy stye is very pleasureable

  9. #9

    Re: Best Positions for Dongs?

    I have a dildo with a suction cup that I like to kneel down and set back on. On a tile floor it sticks making it easy to go up and down on. With another, I like to lay on my back and reach down between my spread legs and push it in and out :-)

  10. #10

    Thumbs up Re: Best Positions for Dongs?

    LOl Ya'll are Naughty! lol
    I'm tryin' my best to leave a loving foot print on the hearts of the folks who's lives I touch..longly, or briefly..:}

    Women and cats will do as they please, so men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea.
    Robert A. Heinlein

  11. #11

    Re: Best Positions for Dongs?

    I once used masking tape and strapped a dong to a basketball.

    The height of the basket ball makes it perfect for sitting on without tiring your legs plus you can easily adjust the angle by rotating the ball. Furthermore being filled with air the basketball provides a nice cushioned ride.

  12. #12

    Re: Best Positions for Dongs?

    I have a toy called the Hot Seat.It is a blow up ball with a nice sized dildo on top that has a vib in it that wil rettle you teeth.Kneel over it and let yourself slowly down on it It is a fun toy. I also have a larger toy :strapon: with a suction cup. My favorite way to use it is stick it to the wall in the shower/bath tubPut one hand on the edge of the tub and back up on it. That way you can get it all of the way in If you are keeling with it attatched to the wal you can not get as much of it in. I know that we are limited here to solo play, but it is far better and more fun to be pegged by the 9 incher.

  13. #13

    Re: Best Positions for Dongs?

    I like being on top, but flat on the floor does not work for me. Have to have something to imitate the thickness of a human body. I strap mine onto a 50 pound dumb bell lying on the floor. Just about the perfect thickness of a thin in shape guy. Also like lying on mt back and taking it that way.

  14. #14

    Re: Best Positions for Dongs?

    get yourself a firmer toy, and i like to get on the edge of the bed," one knee on and the other foot on the floor". now sitting straight up, sit on your toy. more freedom of movment to comfortably insert however you want. hope this helps.

  15. #15

    Re: Best Positions for Dongs?

    My 1st wife had a friend, who had an exercise bike, with a dildo that slipped up through the seat of her bike. the lady loved being able to regulate the speed from slow to fast, then back to slow, again, at will.

    I asked my wife if she tried it, too? She gave me "that look" and said' NO!" ............but, I wonder....She had been known to play with toys.




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