
Visitor Message Conversation Between 2bi2Bboring and bishaman

1 Visitor Messages

  1. HI, I stumbled upon your profile thanks to one of your savvy and humanistic comments on a troll-plagued thread. There is something very sexy about your honesty (including strong self-confidence but not exempting yourself from criticism/struggle) and obvious intelligence. Since I retired from my serious day job about nine years ago I've relaunched a career as a performing songwriter. I'm hoping to do a couple of gigs this year in Michigan and Indiana (I'm NYC-based), perhaps after my annual concerts in Minnesota, and I'd enjoy meeting you while on the road, with no special expectations. I participate in some bisexual club & support activities here in New York, though my temperament shies away from the tendency to politicize everything...perhaps because I am an artist at my core.

    Not to be too cerebral, you also sound rather juicy!

    PS, willing to communicate off-site...indeed might prefer...
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