i was introduced to cock last year. it tasted so good. i want more and more.
Short blog entry.. last week the government got humped in the local elections.. not surpise there then.. and what does the senior partner do? Start running running like a headless chicken and bseriously thinking of going even more to the right and drop any controversial progressive social and human rights legislation which their instincts hate anyway.. and the junior partner sits on its hands like a helpless dead chimpanzee.. same sex marriage prob going by the wayside in England and Wales.. been a big hoo hah bout it, but most people in England and Wales agree with it.. "the sort of legislation that lost us votes" say the Tories.. nowt 'bout their mess on the economy and everything else they have touched... Scotland it is still on course but there is a hoo hah here too but the Nats and Labour gained massively in the elections and they support same sex marriage.. the Tories were well and truly screwed up here an' all and so were the Lib Dems, the junior partner in the UK coalition... so do most Scottish peeps so its a bit of a contradiction is it not this Tory view??? What they really men is as a party the Tory right loathes the thought of same sex marriage.. it isn't so much that the Tories have learned, except maybe that they aren't liked very much.. it's more " we got fucked so screw u we should do what out instincts and tradition tell us anyway". Thank Christ for France... the rightward march in Europe is halted and hopefully things are turning and we can get a more expansionist and socially progressive movement once again in the EU at least.. the rise of the extreme right is a bit worrying but they will fade as usual once things look up in an economic sense... more of the same that we have had over the last couple of years and they will continue an inexorable rise which would be truly scary..and then God help we queer lot... but there are real signs of a move to left throughout Europe too and thank God in the UK, not just in France.. it isn't a contradiction to a rise in the far right... people seek different answers.. I know zactly where I stand and what I will do over the next couple of years.. this morning I signed up and returned to my spiritual political home.. a void in my life is filled and what a stupid mistake I made in ever leaving.. I did fucking miss it... my dad and grandad would be really chuffed...
I love interracial whites, latino's asians.... Men and women. If ever in my area Batavia, Ny and looking for some healthy clean fun, let me know.
Another song I heard on my favorite [URL="http://www.ckua.com/"]non-commercial radio station[/URL] the other day... it blew me away: "Oh My My" by Jill Barber [video=youtube_share;QuZGejW4zHw]http://youtu.be/QuZGejW4zHw[/video] I love these GREAT songs that you don't hear too often. If you got 'em please share. - Drew :paw:
Updated May 2, 2012 at 1:15 PM by Drew
[CENTER][B][FONT=arial black][/FONT]You were MY dad [COLOR=#4D5153]Frankie's dad The bestest dad A taught me so much dad [/COLOR][COLOR=#4D5153]My hard times dad[/COLOR] [COLOR=#4D5153]Yea..a spoiling dad A would and did do anything for me dad Who never bawled me out dad But you did that pair, didn't you, dad And how I loved it... I was your babba, dad Still am, dad I miss you, dad Love you, dad I'll always be your babba, dad [/COLOR].....[B]always forever and ever and ever and ever[/B][/B][/CENTER]
There she sat today , on the terrace during her break, reading a book, so captivating with her lovely, demure femininity. Her presence caught me by surprise while on my own break within the breakroom. I stared. It was a Kodak moment I wish I could have captured. She felt my gaze, my vibes, my presence and started to look my way ....those fathomless, dark, beguiling eyes that captured me initially. I very quickly averted the direct eye contact. I thought I was over her. Today proved me wrong.
Well, I'm new here and uncertain about what I am. I don't see men the way I see women. I definitely like women, but the question is, do I also like men?? Sometimes I imagine being a woman and being fucked by a man. I get turned on just typing this. I have had gay experiences when I was a kid/youth, but nothing special. I also don't know what anal sex is supposed to feel like. Would I enjoy it, or would I regret it for the rest of my life?? Would my self-image be damaged? I can't imagine that the girls/women I've been with would have accepted me if they knew about my "desires". I have had these homosexual thoughts for a very long time. Sometimes when I see a good-looking man he sort of drives me crazy, but this feeling subsides within a couple of days. For example, when I was still in school there was this good-looking guy. I looked at him and felt "weird". I knew it was because of his looks. But I don't think I wanted to be sexual with him. When I see an attractive woman, however, I do want to be intimate with her on some level. At least I can imagine being so. I was at the hospital a couple of years ago and this new patient came into my room. We looked at each other for what I felt was longer than usual and I felt like he looked almost at the bottom of my soul. I thought he could see that I was sort of attracted to him, just because of the way he looked at me. I sometimes fantasize about this guy. He wasn't muscular or anything, but he was older than me. Much older. He was almost the type of man I could have imagined having sexual experiences with. Many times I think that I just want to cuddle with an older man, a man where I feel sheltered. Maybe I even want to kiss him and more, I don't know. I'm almost certain that I want to explore. My father was always very strict with me and he wasn't around for very long, so maybe that's why I want to explore what it feels like to be with an older man. Being close to one, I mean. What I fear is that men would want to exploit me sexually. I can be pretty weak-willed. I fear that I would give in to sex too easily and feel like I'm being raped. I hope that there are some good gay/bisexual men out there who respect other people's boundaries and who don't just want to have sex! That's it for now. I'm pretty sure I'll write more or edit this entry later on. It felt kinda good to write all this.