View Full Version : Paranoid about meeting

its just me
Nov 17, 2009, 4:45 AM
so i got this problem. Every time i get hit up on line by someone, I always back down when it comes to a real face to face meeting, you know, a coffee date only, no sex. I got this thought planted in my mind that its a police sting operation and they want to arrest me and put my picture in the paper. I guess my question is, does anyone else suffer from this and is this something to worry about? (sting operation, not the paranoid feelings).

Only meeting i went through with was a guy that hit me up on this site and it turned out that i knew him. Lucky me.

Nov 17, 2009, 4:50 AM
The only police sting would be if you were setting up to meet minors or children.

If you are just trying to meet adults - same sex or otherwise - you are not breaking the law. Hence, no sting operation.

Nov 17, 2009, 1:15 PM
You cant get into trouble by just meeting someone, Hon. Its not a crime to go to Starbucks for a cup of coffee, or to meet up at Micky D's for a burger and fries. They only time you can get into trouble is if there was a mention of minors, or money changing hands of "services rendered"
THOSE you Definately want to stay away from...
Otherwise, go have fun, meet new people, branch out. You never know...you might find a friend, ya might find a Lover. :}

Nov 17, 2009, 3:15 PM
Right - forgot the one that Cherokee mentioned - if there is any exchange of money .

But as Cherokee says as well - go have fun !

Nov 17, 2009, 9:19 PM
As long as you dont have sex in public you wont have to worry about it, str8 or bi sex.

Nov 17, 2009, 9:28 PM
"I always back down when it comes to a real face to face meeting"

My advice to you is : take a deep breath & meet this man for coffee! Its only a cup of coffee for God's sake...If, after you meet him, and "the vibe" isn't right, just say so and leave.

Remember you make the magic in your life, nobody elese can do it for you but you...

Nov 17, 2009, 9:28 PM
Yeah You may want to watch out for the Police (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CxhzxBLksK8) or you may end up So lonely.

Seriously though, I have met men off the internet (one being my husband) and a few were men we shared together And a couple women. I never got arrested. There is no internet dating sting going on.

Now if you are going on craigslist watch out for ads with Ro$e$ or the like in them. Those are the set ups, either escorts or police.

If you are just talking to regular people, and if you feel safe enough with the person. Then give it a shot, go out and have fun.

its just me
Nov 18, 2009, 5:16 AM
thanks all for the advise....i'll try to change my thinking and relax about this..

GayAZN, i promise you i won't have sex at Starbucks but I'm struggling with your logic, if you met someone on the internet, i assume they'd be a stranger how would you make them NOT a stranger ???? by meeting with them face to face and getting to know them...checking out their chemistry, their interests, their compatability.... making them not a stranger...help me out here...how do YOU expand your horizons????

I'd like to think that there are people, like me, who are looking for someone and use this method for contact....if thats not true,,,GEZZZZZ tell me now, maybe i've been driving down the wrong road.

(I did meet someone i knew on this site)

Nov 18, 2009, 7:06 AM
Today is my anniversary!

A year ago today, I met the most wonderful bisexual lady here! We talked for a couple of months and when we met, we fell in love. The relationships gets better with each meeting and the sensuality is stupendous!

I'm the type of person who cannot function intimately unless I am comfortable, in familiar surroundings, and feel safe. I have to genuinely care for anyone who I'd have a sexual relationship with, too.

This site has been a godsend for me and the lady I met has become the love of my life. When I joined, I was hoping to maybe meet a fellow with whom I could relate and share intimacies, but I am totally happy with the way things turned out.

Take a chance, if you think all of the pieces are ready for the puzzle, I'd say make the effort to put it together!

Good luck.

Nov 18, 2009, 4:32 PM
You are darned right! I couldn't have said it better.

Nov 18, 2009, 8:13 PM
Hey It's Just Me, we all know it's scary out there. Lord knows what wierdos you can meet (^). You just gotta build up the courage. Always meet in a public place first, never get into their car, and if you don't get a good feeling, just politely excuse yourself and leave. Always be polite but don't be shy. Just be you.

Good luck.

Nov 19, 2009, 1:52 AM
lol My sis and her new husband met from this site, and have been blissfully married since july. Actually, I introduced them and they fell in love from there, but he had been a member of this group for a very long time.
You just never Know what type of thing is going to occure from meeting someone, so you'll never find out unless you give it a shot. And BTW...dont listen to those who feel they have to make comments on someone they know nothing about. You just be you, and make your own decisions, Sweetie. :}

its just me
Nov 20, 2009, 5:45 AM
thanks all.....i'll have him set up a meeting and see what happens.....

Lisa (va)
Nov 20, 2009, 1:45 PM
Meeting someone you don't know personally, like everyone said, should of course be in a public setting and at a time when you are sure there will be other people there as well. I have met one couple from here years ago, and we met over coffee, but I took it a step further, I had someone go there before me and sit at another table as an extra precaution.


hugs n kisses