View Full Version : With Love To My Freind

Nov 5, 2008, 9:24 PM
I am no stranger to heartbreak and grief in my life. Thankfully for me at least the heartbreak is no more. Tonight I learned a .com friend is suffering both and having a bad time. This is for her... I am unable to pray for reasons many will understand, but share this with my .com friends some of whom have helped me more than once and comforted me in times of trouble. I ask that they wish her well and that her pain will soon end. Forgive me for not naming her but that should not matter. She is a friend and a human being in need of love and support. To her I offer both unconditionally.

I know my sweet, dear friend
Our path is never as it should be
We need and wish
Love and dream
Yet pain and anguish knock on our door
And we sob the tears of heartbreak

For you dear friend
I would be enchantress
That Morgana with salves and spells to heal
Take away pain
And make all well
For one who so needs cheer

My dear friend
With whom I have laughed and shared
Who offered me friendship
And gladly accepted mine
Like you I know pain
And have also wept as if tomorrow was not to be

To say my dear friend
Do not despair sounds pat
It has the ring of falsehood
Yet it is said not lightly
My own pain and redemption
Are evidence to me that all is not lost

I weep for my dear friend
Sob and feel my shoulders heave
Knowing the darkness of loss
And yet..
And yet knowing life will find its way
With the muses weaving their web

Dry your tears my dear friend
The night is at its darkest
No moon and stars to light the way
But in time my dear, dear friend
They shall show the way
And kismet unexpected shall play its hand
.......and lead you to the sun

Nov 5, 2008, 10:00 PM
What a lucky girl to have a friend like you Fran :)

Nov 5, 2008, 10:08 PM
Fran - you are such a good and caring friend. You and your un-named friend are deffinately family here.
My heart and console go to you .
My heart, prayers and warmth go to our friend.


Annika L
Nov 5, 2008, 10:29 PM
As no stranger to heartbreak, I will gladly add whatever support I can give. Whoever you are, I am sorry to hear of your suffering. I wish you extremely well, and urge you to hold on (yes, as pat as it seems)...time truly does heal, and we do tend to emerge stronger, wiser, and ultimately better for the experience. Best wishes...and be sure to rely on your friends...they are there for exactly such times as these.

Nov 6, 2008, 1:25 AM
The love of a friend is one of the most powerful forces in the world, Love. And your friend is truly blessed to have you loving her and looking out for her.
God and Spirits bless her and her's in this time of her need.
And huge hugs to you, for your kind heart and soul. :}