View Full Version : "Do you remember me??" How do you answer when you don't? lol
Apr 28, 2007, 6:51 PM
Don't you HATE IT when someone comes up, they don't look famillar and they say "Hi'" (smiles) "Do you remember me?" sounding like you DO know them and in your mind your struggling to remember who it is and all you can do is smile while thinking.
Well that happened today. I wasn't really paying attention, then I hear that and Im like "ummm" lol Clearly Im suppose to know her. *thinks*
THEN she mentions dance and Im thinking "Ah what dance did I go to??" lol
(you can tell I don't go to dances very often hehe)
Ya.... now I recongize her after I gave her a different hairstyle in my mind lol
(cause THAT was the hairstyle I remembered hehe) The dance I went to was back in December!! lol No wonder I couldn;t remember easily and I only seen her once.
So we got to talking while Im scanning her groceries... no one else was in line so I figured it was ok for chatter lol
That was neat hehe My day perked up after that lol
The dance I had gone to in December was the local Gay/Lesbian/Bisexuals dance.... course she didn't say that so she was stuck at "the dance at the yatch club" (me only been there once too. lol)
She has a GF but she was one of the nice people that danced with me while her GF wanted a break lol
She wanted me to come back to another dance so we'll see lol Ive been avoiding them recently mostly cause everyones already a couple.... but she has my email address now so we'll see.
Now back to my topic.... I still hate the "Do you remember me?" when you don't lol at least not at first. aaaaaaaaahhhhh how annoying is that?!?! hehe
Apr 28, 2007, 7:14 PM
For me, it's simple.... I say, I have complete amnesia for everything from three days ago.
They either get the joke, or they actually introduce themselves. Either way allows you to save grace.
And if the question me on the amnesia, I just say that I have a bad memory for faces, and explain the joke.
Apr 28, 2007, 7:18 PM
For me, it's simple.... I say, I have complete amnesia for everything from three days ago.
They either get the joke, or they actually introduce themselves. Either way allows you to save grace.
And if the question me on the amnesia, I just say that I have a bad memory for faces, and explain the joke.
Ya... its also easy for me to forget what someone looks like if I only seen them once several months ago. No pictures or anything.
And when they come up to you at work.... like a grocery store where you look at million faces every day... ya, you're gonna blank out for a bit and only remember the faces you see most of the time.
Apr 28, 2007, 10:33 PM
best response i've found is a polite "NO i don't..can you refresh my memory?? " most people wont get offended by that and some actually see it as a challenge to get to know you better..
Apr 28, 2007, 10:47 PM
best response i've found is a polite "NO i don't..can you refresh my memory?? " most people wont get offended by that and some actually see it as a challenge to get to know you better..
She was understanding :) I recongized her after a min or so lol after placing her under a different hair style (the one I last saw her in)
mn freak
Apr 29, 2007, 12:34 AM
I keep asking them questions until I remember. But I'm normally the one saying "Do you remember me??" .
Apr 29, 2007, 3:09 AM
This is a great response.
For some reason, some people just can't admit it. They generally end up getting into embarrasing situations because of their lack of honesty..
honesty generally is best ..
best response i've found is a polite "NO i don't..can you refresh my memory?? " most people wont get offended by that and some actually see it as a challenge to get to know you better..
Apr 29, 2007, 9:36 AM
Similar thing happened to me a while back, was in the toilets washing my hands when some guy came to me and said "alright?". I looked at him confused and said "Yeah....", then he said "Don't you remember me?" I had no idea who he was and said "Sorry I don't recognise you" rather embarrassed, I left the toilets. Don't think he was hitting on me, just an odd moment.
I still to this day can't remember where I know him from.
So um yeah....
Jul 29, 2007, 6:11 PM
Man oh man, this happens to me A LOT! I have an awful memory to begin with, lol. Usually I apologize and admit that I don't. Occasionally though, I'm able to talk to them a bit and remember them then. Gotta work on this stinkin' memory, lol.
Jul 29, 2007, 6:43 PM
I'm a 50/50 gal on this one!
Sometimes i'm honest and say no sorry, remind me... sometimes i jus act as if i do and hope they say something that triggers off a memory, and then when it does i laugh and come clean, and we both have a giggle...
The worst i did is when i didn't admit it, chatted for a while, had no memory triggers and then had to come clean... Now THAT was embarressing... :tong:
(had to edit this due to the number of spelling mistakes i noticed!)
Jul 29, 2007, 11:10 PM
This is a great response.
For some reason, some people just can't admit it. They generally end up getting into embarrasing situations because of their lack of honesty..
honesty generally is best ..
actually have had to do this quite a bit in the last few years after losing so many older family members, "friends" of the family who i've not seen since high school [ literally over 30 years] , this includes old neighbors, would ask me if i knew who they are...factor in the funerals i've attended since my stryker guys have been in combat, [ trust me, many military funerals are very very sad] and it's added up to quite a lot.. so, yeah, it's become a polished response.. not that i'd rather give anything but the polite truth, just there's been so many lately that i just dont really know 90% of the people who say that to me..
ok prattled on in addendum long enough..
Jul 29, 2007, 11:27 PM
I personally find it best to be honest and admit it. It actually comes up quite often. I am in sales and I see several people each week. It is hard to remember each of them. Sometimes I recognize somebody but I am not sure if they are one of my customers or coworkers. The people in question tend to respect the honesty and the fact that i am human and can make mistakes too.
Jul 30, 2007, 12:07 PM
I dont usually forget people. My thing is I dont have perfect vision so sometimes if I think i know them, but not sure I wont approach. The biggest problem i had in the past is people coming up to me swearing to me that they know me, and i have honestly never seen the people in my life.
Jul 30, 2007, 12:21 PM
I personally find it best to be honest and admit it. It actually comes up quite often. I am in sales and I see several people each week. It is hard to remember each of them. Sometimes I recognize somebody but I am not sure if they are one of my customers or coworkers. The people in question tend to respect the honesty and the fact that i am human and can make mistakes too.
I find that if I wait a few minutes then sometimes it comes to me otherwise, just be honest. It's the attitude that people key into anyway.
Hey I would just be flattered that someone remembered me after that long :)
Jul 30, 2007, 2:27 PM
Some people. ahem, like to ask others if they don't remember them, to watch the squirming. It is perverse but somehow fun just the same.