View Full Version : I set a spark!!!

Mar 15, 2007, 1:30 PM
Hi everyone! Its me the 'need help figuring me out' girl. I finally worked some courage to take a step forward. It is "M"s birthday today. I met with her on lunch with gifts and a birthday cake. A card that was filled with all my thoughts and feelings(since I am fairly inadequate with communicating my feelings verbally). You can see how pleased she was by all the effort. She didnt even cringe when she saw the birthday cake I had made her. IT was a disaster! I forgot to check that it was cooked so when I turned it out of the pan part of the cake stuck, part of it was gooey and fell with a plop onto the cake dish! I had only a half an hour before she showed, so I quickly cut and pieced the cake to make a much smaller cake. I used plenty of frosting to hold all the pieces together and topped it off with fast lighting candles.
Just then she showed up and right away her eyes went to the remnant cake pieces that were lying all over my kitchen table. With a grin on her face she commented that now she believed me about how I was no chef. (I hope she remembers that with that comment I also pointed out that I had to develop other skills to make up for the lack of culinary art!)
So, anyways ... I sang her the b-day song( I know! I know! How cheesy!) and then lit her cake on fire! I had no clue fast lighting meant explosion of fire! Those 29 candles on that 4 by 4 cake just engulfed the table with flames! Mdi and I had to run away from the cake!
Thank goodness for her sense of humor because she gave me a hug and said" Wow! You sure got your point across about starting something more than a spark!"

I quess my whole point being I think now that I have opened up about my nervousness and the fact that I do want this to move forward has all been because of those from this site who helped me gain my courage. We are going out on Saturday. I guess we will see how that kiss goes. :smilies12
( I am taking sailorashores advice. trust her, and trust yourself, and don't be afraid to feel your way along slowly. [/ I think lighting the cake on fire was enough for one day. LOL!

Mar 15, 2007, 2:52 PM

Oh, Amika. You take the flames of passion to a new level. I'm so happy for you though! You go girl!

Mar 15, 2007, 5:51 PM
Way to go girl. Very very Happy for you.Set that spark :female: (((Always be true to yourself))) :flag3:

Mar 15, 2007, 6:04 PM
that sounds WONDERFUL! way to go! many good fortunes! :cool: :cool:

Mar 15, 2007, 6:37 PM
[QUOTE=amika] We are going out on Saturday. I guess we will see how that kiss goes. :smilies12

Yes, and if there's any uncertainty, try a few more. And if you're still not sure, repeat as necessary...

Very happy for you; whether it works out or not you have done SO WELL, IMHO.

Mar 15, 2007, 7:40 PM
You set the cake and the table on fire?? LOL!! :tong:

Talk about an "ice breaker" hehehe!

I think that's GREAT! Hope all goes well for you. :)

Mar 15, 2007, 9:11 PM
Thats AWESOME!!! And I think that you setting the cake on fire is sweet....like in the movies...lol. But..Im a hopeless romantic who can find it in anything. lol. Congrats dear.

Mar 17, 2007, 10:23 AM
TFF :bigrin: :bigrin:
things coud really only get better ....did they ????
how did it go ?? ;)