View Full Version : Acceptance Regrets

Dec 19, 2019, 1:56 AM
For those of us who accepted our bisexuality later in life, do you regret not accepting your sexuality earlier?

For me, I do. My sexuality caused quite a bit of unnecessary angst over the years and it took me awhile to realise that acceptance and telling people are two different things. I should've accepted I was bisexual twenty years ago and not stressed over it. I am far happier now than I have been for many years as the guilt from those desires is no longer a factor in my life.

Dec 19, 2019, 3:00 AM
I never had a major issue with accepting it (was just getting so much pussy and masturbating together) but now with NO marital action at all, I wish I had become as actively bi as I am now 40 years ago...missed taking in so much cum (and giving it too)

Christopher South
Dec 19, 2019, 5:42 AM
I wouldn't say I regret it. Brought up in a different time and I'm not sure my life would have been better. 12 years of catholic education, very religious parents, AIDS epidemic. Had I started acting on my bisexuality when I realized I was bi in my teens it would have been tough.

Dec 19, 2019, 8:13 AM
Not so much an acceptance as a jealousy that the technology that we have now wasn't available when i was younger.

Dec 19, 2019, 8:47 AM
I am happy enough with how everything turned out. No regrets.

Dec 19, 2019, 10:30 AM
I had no problem accepting my sexuality as soon as I had my first MM experience. My only regret was not coming out to my wife sooner. I had just never expected her to be so accepting of it.

Dec 19, 2019, 11:52 AM
I had no conscious interest in M-M activity until I hit my late 50s. It developed quickly as a result of our experiments in the 'swing community'. and I not only accepted it, I EMBRACED it. My wife knows, and she loves me the way I am.

Dec 19, 2019, 12:16 PM
I'm one of those really early adopters but I know a great many guys and gals who wished - and even regretted - that they didn't dive into this when they were younger and many can point to opportunities that they passed up on - and that really bakes their noodle.

Dec 19, 2019, 5:54 PM
No, I have no regrets. When I was younger, I didn't have the support network of people that I have now. That has made all the difference in my life! :flag1::flag3::flag1:

Dec 19, 2019, 6:47 PM
I really didn't know about Bisexuality in my teens.Just thought I was confused until I got to my 20s . My first wife was Bi but never thought I was. I always had pussy on the brain. In my 30s it came up when I was trying to spice up the sex with 2nd wife but never went any where. by the time I hit 40 I was thinking about it a little bit more. At 42 I divorced 3ed wife and then tried to blow a guy I met online .It didn't go very well. By the time I hit 44 I was looking for dick about as much as pussy. I am nearly 60 and 75% of the time I think about Dick.. Regret not really even though I had a few opportunities in my 20s and passed because I couldn't stop thinking about pussy.

Long Duck Dong
Dec 19, 2019, 10:56 PM
thats a hard one.... I was aware of my desires and attractions, years before I ever heard of the term, bisexual......

what I do regret, is being involved with people that only wanted one thing, and unfortunately with some LGBT support groups in the 80s, they only cared about one thing and it led to a number of people being used and abused, some of them ended up committing suicide....... years later, I am very comfortable with a intersex partner and being in a closed group with a male lover and two female lovers, sex is not an obligation and we tend to distance ourselves from the LGBT communities now because of the politics but still keep contact with a number of LGBT people that also find themselves wanting friendship and companionship with other LGBT people......

I still do not strictly see myself as bisexual but more sexuality fluid / pansexual... but its just a label....

Dec 20, 2019, 1:07 AM
I actually started as bisexual...I was sucking guys at 7 years old and liked it..they also sucked me some...but by 13 I was so horny for pussy I kind of just let it drift off to occasional MM until 19...then pussy, pussy, pussy....in 30's sucked (and was sucked) a few times...but HIV worried and stayed away from it all until 65...then said what the heel and sucked 5 different guys in the first week (June 2015)...since then have sucked guys well over 100+ times and swallowed every load I could get....really wish I'd started full time bi about 5-7 years earlier when wife closed off ALL sex...

Dec 20, 2019, 7:17 PM
I wish I had pursued it much more than I did. I wasn't exposed to it very often unless I went looking for it. If I had been actively recruited, I would have said "Yes" and submitted myself for more cock and cum.

Dec 26, 2019, 6:41 PM
this is a hard poll to vote on. since I was 12 I knew that I love both men and women. what I didn't know was it was called bisexuality. either you were gay or straight. So I always knew I was bi and fully excepted that, but didn't admit to any one that I liked guys if asked if I do because of still wanting woman also. the only ones that knew for sure were the few guys that I did get together with.