View Full Version : Would you want Your Son to be bisexual?

Nov 7, 2019, 4:28 PM
Would you want Your Son to be bisexual?

This is still a straight world, especially if you live in a small town or rural area.
Children can be cruel.
Even good people can be blinded by religion and ignorance.
LGBT kids are more likely to experience violence, depression and suicide.

Given all that … would you want your son to be bisexual?

Yes, I KNOW this is an absurd question that can not be answered, I am asking it to provoke thoughtful conversation.

Nov 7, 2019, 5:09 PM
My kids stumbled upon some e-mails they should not have seen. They know dad played the field on both sides of the fence. My daughter is pretty straight laced but my son has had two serious relationships with bi girls and I suspect he might be. I would never ask, but so what ? As long as my kids are healthy, happy, and enjoying life, so be it. Not my role to judge, especially in light of my own orientation.

Long Duck Dong
Nov 7, 2019, 7:16 PM
I have a son ( daughter that is FtM trans ) and a son ( cis ) that is sexuality undefined ( meaning that he has not decided what label he wants to use ) both are adults

Both of my offspring deal with the same mental disorder I do, as its hereditary, so they are immune to a lot of stress and emotional stimuli. They both very quickly found they were not allowed to discuss things, there was a " rulebook " that pretty much said they were not allowed to have a differing opinion to what was " acceptable " but this was not society, this was within the LGBT community. They both found at school, that there was pressure to join spectrum which is the school group for LGBTQIA, which as they said, had some very friendly people, then there were the activists and advocates who seemed to have an issue with anything and everything

It was very different to being at my house where the only rule is respect, where anything can be discussed and looked at. My cis son defines himself as sexuality undefined, my trans son defines themselves as bisexual, I am fine with that, they know themselves better than I do.... I do not hide anything from them and nor do the older male and two women I am involved with, who also encourage open communication.... and yes bullying exists, its how we deal with it that matters more than silencing bullies, my trans son was told very clearly that while they may think its funny to go around hitting people that if they kept doing it to me, I would show them exactly what happens to people that hit other people.

The most controversial remark I have said to both of them was" if you commit suicide, I will not judge you or condemn you, I will understand why " which has caused a big backlash from other people over my seemingly lack of caring about my kids and how as a parent it is my job to support my kids and look out for them.... as true as that may be, they both have the same mental disorder I do, it causes suicidal tendencies and has the highest suicide rate of any known disorder.... one way to cope with it, is allowing each person to find and set the boundaries in which they are able to cope instead of pushing them to walk in areas where they struggle a lot more......and so thats exactly what I do with my kids......

Nov 7, 2019, 7:41 PM
One of my kids is straight, the other has never come out one way or another but in her late teens told her mom she “thinks she might be bi”. She’s a proud supporter of LGBTQ equality, many of her friends are with her, but I still don’t know if she’s been sexually actively.

I just want my kids to be happy, including in their relationships. I don’t give a fig which way either swings.

Nov 8, 2019, 12:31 AM
I think bisexuality is fine so it matters not as long as they play safe. Children should not be influenced in either direction but should be given the space to find what's right for themselves, and we should be there for them no matter what they choose.

Nov 8, 2019, 2:57 AM
All I want is for him to be happy with what ever decision he makes, it's his decision after all.

Nov 8, 2019, 3:15 AM
My mother was lesbian last 40 years of her life...bisexual before then...my brother was bisexual...sister was probably straight, but maybe bi...I would hope if the situation were available, both my sons and daughter would follow and be bisexual if that is truly what they wanted. The experience is truly enjoyable and adds to your life experience. Social heterosexual pressure is just that...having sex with same sex partners is a unique and enjoyable experience..something I would encourage anyone

Nov 8, 2019, 3:11 PM
I have two sons and a daughter: One son is bisexual, one is heterosexual, my daughter is bisexual... and it was their choice/decision to be the way they are. When it was time to have "The Talk" with them, I laid it all out to them, giving them the realities of sex instead of giving them the standard line and making it clear to them that who they choose to engage with sexually is entirely up to them. We talked about the pros and cons of it all and every question they asked, I answered without any bullshit included.

As a parent, what I wanted was for them to make their own decisions about how they wanted to have sex and those decisions had to be informed ones instead of them learning about it the hard way and from their clueless peers. I remember when my two bisexual kids had their first same-sex experiences; my son was over the moon about it and my daughter, well, she tried to hide it but I knew because for one, the first girl she had sex with told me and, for the other, I heard her and a girlfriend that was spending the night with her going at it and instead of busting into her room and asking that stupid question of "What are y'all doing!" I just smiled to myself, listened to them trying to stay quiet as they moaned and groaned through a few orgasms, and went back to sleep.

When my son told me about the first dick he sucked, it was all I could do not to bust out laughing as he literally gave me a blow-by-blow description of how it all went down - then he asked me if I was mad at him and I honestly told him that I wasn't and that I would have been surprised if he hadn't checked it out at least once. The next day, he comes running in to tell me about having anal sex with the same guy - they apparently topped each other and I assumed he really enjoyed it given how animated he was.

In any of this, the only thing I want as a parent is for my bisexual kids to be responsible and safe no matter how they're getting their cookies crumbled - can't ask for any more than that.

Nov 9, 2019, 11:29 AM
Everybody falls somewhere on the continuum of bisexuality. So, in a sense, everybody is bisexual to a greater or lesser extent. Society doesn't like shades of gray, yet the whole world is just so.

As a card carrying constructivist, In my view, it is our experience and relationships alone that teachs us, guide us, help us to learn and grow -- is not any fixed hardwiring in the brain that determines who we are forever, as some have argued.

I would want my son -- and every son in the world -- to be kind. And I would want my son to teach his sons (and daughters) to likewise be kind.

Nov 11, 2019, 3:57 PM
Would you want Your Son to be bisexual?

This is still a straight world, especially if you live in a small town or rural area.
Children can be cruel.
Even good people can be blinded by religion and ignorance.
LGBT kids are more likely to experience violence, depression and suicide.

Given all that … would you want your son to be bisexual?

Yes, I KNOW this is an absurd question that can not be answered, I am asking it to provoke thoughtful conversation.

I would definitely disagree with your sentiments for the Western World. Gayness is promoted non-stop to the point a lot of parents basically force/wish their children to be gay. Like a fashion accessory, or a way to garner attention. LGBT people are WAY over-represented in basically every facet of Western society. It's to the point that it's the first thing people identify themselves as.

Not as a professional worker in an occupation, or loving family member, or achieved X accomplishments. It's that they are LGBT. Their whole world revolves around being LGBT and they definitely will let you know about it.

I'm more of an old school bi-sexual. I like being low-key and keep what happens in the bedroom; in the bedroom. I'd have no issues with my child being bi-sexual if they did the same.

Nov 11, 2019, 10:59 PM
well, wanting a son to be bi shouldn't be question..question should be.. will I support my son if he was bi? Bisexuality should be taught in a very positive way. Bisexual people can have very personal conflicts about who they want to be with, and it can be a struggle trying to "share" yourself with more than person.

Nov 12, 2019, 9:11 AM
I would definitely disagree with your sentiments for the Western World. Gayness is promoted non-stop to the point a lot of parents basically force/wish their children to be gay. Like a fashion accessory, or a way to garner attention. LGBT people are WAY over-represented in basically every facet of Western society. It's to the point that it's the first thing people identify themselves as.

Not as a professional worker in an occupation, or loving family member, or achieved X accomplishments. It's that they are LGBT. Their whole world revolves around being LGBT and they definitely will let you know about it.

I'm more of an old school bi-sexual. I like being low-key and keep what happens in the bedroom; in the bedroom. I'd have no issues with my child being bi-sexual if they did the same.

Not trying to pick a fight. But that is just ridiculous.

Nov 12, 2019, 11:18 AM
Questions like these always tend to open a can of worms so to speak. I agree with the comment above that bisexuality should be addressed positively within society. It's gaining acceptance today as well it should. Children should not be coerced into sexuality but encouraged and supported whatever they like, so it isn't about what we want it's what they want. If our sons want to play with guys we should support and encourage them to enjoy themselves while giving them our best advice for being safe and happy.

I think we spend way to much time failing to address the safety issue.

Looking back back I wish bisexuality had been a bit more commonly accepted when I was growing up.

Nov 12, 2019, 12:42 PM
Not trying to pick a fight. But that is just ridiculous.

Why is that?


Only about 4.5% of actual people are LGBT. In television, LGBT are TWICE as represented than in real life. And US adults think that an astonishing 24% of Americans are LGBT. Every single one of those stats backs up my statements.

Nov 12, 2019, 2:58 PM
Gayness is promoted non-stop to the point a lot of parents basically force/wish their children to be gay. Like a fashion accessory, or a way to garner attention. LGBT people are WAY over-represented in basically every facet of Western society.

No, crowds of liberal parents are NOT forcing their straight sons to suck cock.

I guess you already know what your words sound like.

Nov 12, 2019, 3:06 PM
Only about 4.5% of actual people are LGBT. In television, LGBT are TWICE as represented than in real life. And US adults think that an astonishing 24% of Americans are LGBT. Every single one of those stats backs up my statements.


And two thirds of Americans also think their pets will go to heaven. So what?

What is your point? Do you see a vast liberal media conspiracy?

Nov 12, 2019, 5:26 PM
I do not have any children.

If I did have children, I would raise them in a sex positive home, and I would support them with whatever orientation they chose.

Long Duck Dong
Nov 12, 2019, 6:30 PM
Why is that?


Only about 4.5% of actual people are LGBT. In television, LGBT are TWICE as represented than in real life. And US adults think that an astonishing 24% of Americans are LGBT. Every single one of those stats backs up my statements.

Had the same thing in NZ but again they limited to gay. lesbian or bi.... there is also men that have sex with men ( id as straight ) sexuality defined, sexuality neutral and sexuality undisclosed......

but if you take the numbers from the local high school spectrum group, the numbers that id as not straight, make up 16% of the students but if you do a sexuality survey like they did to see if there was interest in a spectrum group, it dropped to 6%, but they limited it to gay, lesbian and bi.......

so it creates a issue, you have the honest about sexuality, the not revealing their sexuality on paper and the sexuality not included in polls and surveys and we have no real idea of the true stats

Nov 12, 2019, 7:17 PM
As long as my sons are happy I could care less if they are bi straight gay or any other sexual preference. That being said I remember how cruel kids were when I was in school. If they are any alternative sexuality i just hope that they don't have to go through what I did. I have had to act straight my entire life until my divorce and my current relationship likes that i am bi because it lets her dom side come out and she doesn't mind me having extra curricular activities.

Nov 13, 2019, 6:48 AM
I believe the percentage of people who are 100% straight, is actually small. This is from real life experience. I dont believe polls are remotely accurate. I believe in the Kinsey concept, and believe even those numbers over represent the 100% straight category.

It also comes down to the argument of how "straight" is defined. That is all over the board as well.
Look at any hookup site, app, DL, etc and half the ads and profiles read. "Straight c*sucker" ""Straight bottom looking..." "Straight mwm in hotel...." etc etc.

In my mind I wonder...How can you be straight but enjoy a man fuking your ass? Doesnt that at least somewhat bend the needle toward bi?
They have a new category so to speak. "Straight men who have sex with men" Let's confuse it even more.
What the hell does that even mean?
I get it. It's a category for those men who live a straight life, but also hookup on the side, to be able to have sex with guys and still pretend they're straight.
For that purpose, I would be straight. I live a straight life to the outside world. But I personally think the fact I suck cock on a regular basis, might categorize me as at least slightly bi.

Most all the guys I blow are "straight" married etc. To them, they're just getting a bj, it's still straight.
My experience is the majority of the "straight" guys i blow want to return the favor or get more into things.
But they all would respond "straight" in a poll

Growing up, I "fooled around" with almost every one of my male friends and that holds true to today. When I hang out with a guy, no matter how long we've been friends or how we met....If somehow it gets mentioned that I am bi, at some point they're "curious". I dont push or even try....They're always the one to revisit the topic. Yet, they're "straight"

My wife and I are also into swinging a bit. We have in our profiles that we have a preference for guys who are at least open to bi oral play. Almost 100% of the guys who email us, and it's a LOT, indicate they're up for it. Every one of them list "straight" on their profiles.

So the bottom line is, unless we agree on a standard definition of "straight " there is no accuracy in any poll results.

If you remove everyone who has, or would have some sort of sexual contact with a guy from the "straight " category, I believe there would be very few left there.

I think the representation on tv and such, while the stereotypes are overblown, is more accurate today.

So the chances of having a son that is not 100% straight, I believe is almost certain.

Nov 13, 2019, 2:24 PM
Parents are forever imposing their preferences on their children and including any prejudices they've been taught or developed when they were younger so it's a vicious cycle of behavior and more so when many parents are of a firm mind that being anything but straight is a bad thing and is to be avoided... and such parents usually get blindsided should they learn that their child might not be as straight as they want the kid to be. I even think that some parents kinda forget what life was like for them when they were youngsters and I also think that some parents are very much aware of their youthful activities in the sexual arena, discovered both the joys and pitfalls, and decide that their children aren't going to experience any of that.

And, methinks, forgetting that children really do have a mind of their own and telling them not to have sex this way might not have the result they expect. Even when I was growing up, many a boy was told to never have sex with another boy which was a good reason to do just that. It's not that we don't know that our children might experiment because they might - we can only hope that they don't or, if they do, it's done safely but the thing here is that how can they be safe if we, as parents, don't explain all of this to them? And many parents don't because they don't believe in such behavior or they stupidly believe that their child isn't going to understand what they're being told and that's not always true and chances are their parents are telling or warning them about something they already know about.

What parents want is one thing; they might not want their children - of any age - to be bisexual but the reality says there's nothing they can do to stop them if that's the way they want to be.

Nov 14, 2019, 12:05 AM
point made, i would accept a bi son no less than a son who is 100% str8. maybe even more to make up for all the asshole homophobes out there. :(
i also agree heterosexuality is overrepresented. we live in a patriarchal heteronormative environment & our society has been based on this assumption. some people are afraid of any changes to this, assuming a catastrophic disturbance of a fragile balance. so they desperately keep up the appearance of being str8 even to themselves. but for those who just aren't it's alot of pressure that comes out in any number of unhealthy ways. i think some people like to look at naked pictures of members of the same sex and they honestly don't want anything more than that from the same sex. of course there are those who are open to more. if only people were more honest in their own desires and felt the freedom to persue them the world would be a calmer more peacefull place. we wouldn't have men with "str8" in there profile but looking for cock. we wouldn't have people using homophobia in order to crush there own awareness of attraction to the same sex. but no, we have to view sex primarily as procreative or procreative only. what a bunch of bullshit. then again i'm sure i'm preaching to the converted here.

I believe the percentage of people who are 100% straight, is actually small. This is from real life experience. I dont believe polls are remotely accurate. I believe in the Kinsey concept, and believe even those numbers over represent the 100% straight category.

It also comes down to the argument of how "straight" is defined. That is all over the board as well.
Look at any hookup site, app, DL, etc and half the ads and profiles read. "Straight c*sucker" ""Straight bottom looking..." "Straight mwm in hotel...." etc etc.

In my mind I wonder...How can you be straight but enjoy a man fuking your ass? Doesnt that at least somewhat bend the needle toward bi?
They have a new category so to speak. "Straight men who have sex with men" Let's confuse it even more.
What the hell does that even mean?
I get it. It's a category for those men who live a straight life, but also hookup on the side, to be able to have sex with guys and still pretend they're straight.
For that purpose, I would be straight. I live a straight life to the outside world. But I personally think the fact I suck cock on a regular basis, might categorize me as at least slightly bi.

Most all the guys I blow are "straight" married etc. To them, they're just getting a bj, it's still straight.
My experience is the majority of the "straight" guys i blow want to return the favor or get more into things.
But they all would respond "straight" in a poll

Growing up, I "fooled around" with almost every one of my male friends and that holds true to today. When I hang out with a guy, no matter how long we've been friends or how we met....If somehow it gets mentioned that I am bi, at some point they're "curious". I dont push or even try....They're always the one to revisit the topic. Yet, they're "straight"

My wife and I are also into swinging a bit. We have in our profiles that we have a preference for guys who are at least open to bi oral play. Almost 100% of the guys who email us, and it's a LOT, indicate they're up for it. Every one of them list "straight" on their profiles.

So the bottom line is, unless we agree on a standard definition of "straight " there is no accuracy in any poll results.

If you remove everyone who has, or would have some sort of sexual contact with a guy from the "straight " category, I believe there would be very few left there.

I think the representation on tv and such, while the stereotypes are overblown, is more accurate today.

So the chances of having a son that is not 100% straight, I believe is almost certain.

Nov 14, 2019, 12:19 PM
I don't have a son. But if I did his sexual preference would be fine with me gay, bi, or straight. As long as he's happy and healthy.

Jan 9, 2020, 9:21 AM
what ever he is or considers himself to be is fine with me. I suppose we would have an extra topic to bond over if he were to be BI

Jan 10, 2020, 8:19 AM
I don't have any children, but if I did I would be fine if my Son or Daughter was bi.

Jan 10, 2020, 9:27 AM
Very relevant question. Everyone on this site has bisexual interests, experience, or both. So it is very likely that our offspring share that interest and attribute.
I believe that one of my sons is bisexual, and I have absolutely no problem with that. In fact, I wish I had realized my bisexuality at his age (35). However, with concerns that he might get on this site and “recognize” me with a detailed profile on here, I am vague with some of my descriptors, location, pictures, etc. Once I get to know someone on here, I give the specifics.

Jan 10, 2020, 11:19 AM
TBF, high schoolers may not KNOW what their sexuality is at all. You generally don't until you're sexually active and out as an adult in the real word, not a minor's schoolyard setting. Anything prior to 'normal life' kind of doesn't really count other than to high school counselors who need to help make sure these kids don't go crazy from puberty and social pressures. The most honest answer a kid can give is "I don't know". I know lots of folks say they knew from an early age exactly what they were - and for some, it's true - but for most it's a matter of retrospect and that's worth precisely nothing.

Jan 10, 2020, 11:27 AM
I have a son, who will turn 40 next year. He's always been a bit of a loner and has only had one girlfriend that I know of. That was back in high school. She graduated before he did, and went away to college, and he was left hurting and lonely. Eventually he joined the military and spent quite a bit of time overseas. I don't know if he dated or had any sexual experiences during that time. He's been back in the states for several years, and lives nearby.

I know at one point, there were indications that he inherited my 'nylon gene', but I don't know if that's been a significant factor or interest in his life. I hope it hasn't been a source of sadness and longing for him, the way it gnawed at me for much of my life. Given how reserved he is, it's highly unlikely that he has had any bisexual urges or acted on them.

What I want is for my son to be happy. I love him.

Jan 19, 2020, 12:41 AM
My sons mom and I split up and she decided to share my sexuality with him! She was jealous that I could pay my bills without her income! Anyway, I thought I would have lost him forever. But to my surprise he treated me like he always had! He was in the 7th grade then. Now he is in the 10th grade and I had to take his phone away from him for another reason. And of course, I found a few texts to lead me to believe he could be bisexual. As long as he is safe and is happy.....that’s all that matters to me. One proud dad of an intelligent young man!

Jan 19, 2020, 4:43 PM
I would not want my son to be bisexual just to give in the cruel world we live in. Just like everyone else in the past who has died standing up for who they are, all people must do the same. We shouldn't have to hide behind bisexuality to not deal with a cruel world. Then you're only catering to it. Be proud of what and who you are!

Jan 19, 2020, 10:57 PM
No I would not. It is much easier to be straight than gay or bisexual in the worlds we live in. IF he were to be bisexual or gay, I would support him and love him as I do now, but it is more difficult than being straight.

Jan 21, 2020, 1:42 AM
This is entirely up to him, but I have to say that children are influenced by their parents, as long as the son is happy.

Jan 21, 2020, 6:55 PM
Wouldn’t make any difference to me.

Long Duck Dong
Jan 21, 2020, 11:14 PM
Had to deal with a issue over the weekend with a female friend whose kids ( 16 year old twin brother and sister ) have come out as bisexual and I got a phone call saying help us please talk with mum.... so I wandered over and mum was having a meltdown.... " poor kids, they were having to deal with bullying cos they were out as bisexual and they needed a counsellor and therapist to help them with this and coping with being out... and support with how to tell other people cos LGBT teens have a higher suicide rate and mental health issues..."...

I finally had to tell the mum to shut up, stop talking and listen to her kids... they had both been out for a year to other people including their father who said, thats cool, if you need somebody to talk to, do you have people you can talk to, about issues ? .... mum was the last person they told, cos mum overreacted, badly.... and I can only imagine what she will say when she finds out her husband is bisexual lol.....

I think the husbands way of handling things was great.... he listened to his kids and asked if they had support and people to talk with.....and he made me smile when he said, you know, even straight kids have to come out as well about their partners and some parents reactions can be just as hard with the no way in hell are we accepting your choice of partner but the part that I am going to find hard with my kids, is saying to them ok, how many partners are you bringing to xmas lunch cos we may need a bigger table lol...

Jan 22, 2020, 11:02 AM
My son was gay but, me being bi, he always knew we would accept him for who he was and not judge...other than sternly wagging a finger when he secretly raided my gay porn. LOL

I say "was" because he was kidnapped and brutally murdered 4 years ago by a pair of redneck methheads. We personally ran down the bastards who did it in 28 hours after he went missing and both are doing very long sentences. Accept your children for who they are, not who they chose to have sex with. You may not have them in your life for as long as you might think.

Jan 22, 2020, 1:06 PM
That is tragic beyond belief. I am sincerely sorry for your loss.

Jan 22, 2020, 7:32 PM
My son was gay but, me being bi, he always knew we would accept him for who he was and not judge...other than sternly wagging a finger when he secretly raided my gay porn. LOL

I say "was" because he was kidnapped and brutally murdered 4 years ago by a pair of redneck methheads. We personally ran down the bastards who did it in 28 hours after he went missing and both are doing very long sentences. Accept your children for who they are, not who they chose to have sex with. You may not have them in your life for as long as you might think.

God Almighty, I'm so sorry for your loss.

Jan 23, 2020, 2:11 AM
Sorry for your loss :(

Mar 24, 2020, 1:33 AM
he is already

Mar 24, 2020, 1:14 PM
how old is he , and how do you know that he's bi ?

Mar 24, 2020, 2:33 PM
Don't have children can't comment

Annika L
Mar 24, 2020, 6:18 PM
I certainly would not *want* them to be.
But I certainly would not want them *not* to be!

I think sexuality and gender are areas where parents explore preferences for their children at their peril.

Mar 24, 2020, 7:36 PM
I do not care about the sexuality of my children. I just want them to be happy and healthy.

Mar 24, 2020, 8:51 PM
my children will be whatever they are, thats not for me to be happy or unhappy, only to guide them into adulthood and be there for them

Apr 4, 2020, 5:00 AM
Good question, I'm glad you asked it.

Right or wrong? I don't think it goes there very well at all. That would really bring in the moral judgement aspects. I'm unable to speak to the morality of SEX.

My wanting any of this for my Son would be a very limited WANT. I want him to be happy, I want him to be accepted by his family and friends. I want him to have sex, be a sexual person and to share that with at least someone if not more. Only in a very selfish way would i ever think of wanting him to be a certain sexuality. It's a personal thing and for him and for only him and in everyway there can be. There is no place for Me within the concept of him becoming any specific Sexuality.

As for the Selfish Me, I guess I can be honest here and say that I have fantasized about he and I being sexual together. He will never know of those fantasies. A few here in this form have spoken to that idea and even to that fact where father and son were sexual together. I wouldn't let that happen. A fantasy is enough for me. If my son has fantasies of him and me, then those are his and not mine. I do in fact listen to him and maybe I'll hear something I could say was a tell. But only to listen and not to engage in a discussion. If he were to be confused about anything in the area of sexuality. There are plenty of very qualified men for him to turn to and not for me to recommend.

I wish I could say I have the same straight-arm defense when it comes to my daughter. That woman is too much for me and I know it. I her case I have to rely on my wife for help. Fingers crossed, xxxxx

Apr 4, 2020, 5:12 PM
If either of my kids came out as LGBT, I would be totally okay and supporting of them. My granddaughter is out as Pansexual in her social media profile. I couldn't be prouder that she is able and willing to be out like that.
And it doesn't hurt her that she is very pretty. She's going to be chasing the boys and girls off with a stick, if she isn't already doing that.

Apr 4, 2020, 5:48 PM
If I had a son, there's every chance he could be, I believe there is a element of genetics in sexuality. I maintain I was born this way, I didn't grow to be aroused by cock over many years, it showed up around puberty but the fascination was there from an early age. For me, I think the question is would he admit or accept it as there's every chance he got it from me.